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What is Kratom?

What is Kratom?

What Is Kratom?

Mitragyna speciosa, more commonly known as kratom, is a botanical product that has grown in popularity over the past decade.

The leaves of the kratom tree contain over 40 active alkaloids that scientists have identified. The veins of a kratom leaf change color as it matures. Kratom veins begin a whitish color. Later, they turn green. Lastly, as the kratom leaf reaches maturity, the vein becomes red.

The colors of the vein provide the consumer with some information on the effects the strain produces. Kratom strains get named after the color of their veins—red, white, and green.

Typically, Red Kratom strains have more therapeutic results since those leaves are the most mature. Consumers report they provide more relaxing effects than others. Therefore, we recommend using red varieties primarily in the evening or whenever not operating heavy machinery.

White Kratom strains provide the user with more energetic properties. Many kratom consumers take white kratom varieties first thing in the morning to give them jolts of energy. Some customers even substitute white kratom products for coffee.

Green Kratom products have more balanced effects out of the three varieties.  Consumers say those benefits lie between the white and red varieties. As a result, green kratom has both energetic and therapeutic properties. And consumers swear it uplifts their mental disposition throughout the workday.

Then you have Yellow and Gold Kratom. These blends harness the alkaloid characteristics from each strain used in the mixture. Effects can differ from kratom vendor to vendor.

Where Is Kratom Grown and Produced?

The kratom tree flourishes in tropical climates throughout Southeast Asia, where it grows indigenously. Tribal cultures throughout those nations have used the kratom plant as a folk medicine for centuries. Here are a few countries where kratom grows naturally in the wild.

  • Indonesia
  • Thailand
  • Malaysia
  • Myanmar
  • Papua New Guinea

Out of all the countries listed, Indonesia produces most of the kratom sold globally. Some estimate the share of Indonesian kratom products on the market as 95% or higher.

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